Parish Office:

Parish Office:
2500 Branch Pike
Mail to: PO Box 2220
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077-3711

Parish Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 4pm
Friday: 9am – Noon (Closed in August)

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Advent Penance Service

Our annual Advent Penance Service will be held on Tuesday, December 10th at 7 PM. Confessions will follow.

Our Mission Statement:


We, the parish community of Saint Charles Borromeo, are called by our Baptism to share the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ to love God and one another. We respond to this call by deepening our faith through active participation in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and by sharing our time, talent and treasure to serve and care for others within and outside our parish community. We envision ourselves as belonging to a people of faith, hope and love as we are led by the Holy Spirit in celebrating the Kingdom of God.

From the Desk of Reverend Daniel E. Kirk, Pastor:

December 8

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, One of the hallmarks of the Advent season is that of making preparation. In the more immediate sense of that, it’s an opportunity to prepare our hearts and minds for the great celebration that comes on December 25 th , namely that...

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December 1

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In much of the Advent season, there is a consistent theme of looking ahead. It’s a time of preparation and expectation. It’s a time of longing and anticipation. It’s a time to get ourselves ready for the coming of Christ more...

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November 24

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Later this week, we as a nation and society will celebrate a holiday somewhat unique to the American tradition. Whereas other cultures may have some form of showing gratitude in a unified way, none quite do it like American...

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