Outreach Ministries
–If you are interested in joining any of these ministries, please call the rectory.
Ministry of Consolation
Consoling and assisting families for funeral arrangements.
Eucharist to Sick & Homebound
Weekly communion in the home.
Meals for Homebound
Short term help for those in need.
Fix-It Program
Minor home repairs, installation, etc. for seniors or those physically challenged.
Transportation Ministry
For the elderly or impaired – (rides provided to Mass, doctors & shopping)
Loaves & Fishes
St. Charles responsible for one Saturday per year at Trenton Cathedral – volunteers prepare and serve meals & lunches for an average of 900 people.
Monthly Food/Staples Collection
Averages 120 shopping bags of food per month for Emergency Services, Catholic Charities
Parish Nurses
Volunteer nurses provide monthly blood pressure screening; weekly telephone consultations; annual health fair; several blood drives per year, personal health counseling and a health education and referral service.
Giving Tree
Four weekends in December for Christmas Collections for Toys, Children’s Clothing, Food, and funding for charities.
Casseroles For The Hungry
Monthly cooked meals for the hungry in Burlington County
Respect Life Committee
Working for the preservation of human life from conception to death
Holy Name Society
Adult male spiritual formation, fellowship & parish involvement. Conduct various Parish fundraisers.