Religious Ed


The Religious Education program at St. Charles is provided for children of our parish who attend public schools. Classes are held for children in Kindergarten through the 8th grade. It includes preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. We average 500 children in our classes, which are taught by parishioner volunteers. The program Director is Ms. Michelle Dore’.


Kindergarten Tuesday or Wednesday 4:30-5:15

Grades 1st – 5th Tuesday 4:15-5:25

Grades 1st – 5th Wednesday 4:15-5:25

Grades 6th – 8th Wednesday evenings 7:15-8:25

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School Dates: TBD for 2025

Vacation Bible School is new for 2024! This program is for rising students in grades Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd. The program will be held from 9am – Noon Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The program focuses on Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Held in the St. Charles school building.

Summer Religious Education Program

2024 Summer Program Dates: July 8th-19th

Our summer program is for students in grades 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th. The program is two weeks in July from 8:30 am – Noon. Students must be registered St. Charles Borromeo parishioners. They must attend all 10 days of the program and complete six (6) supplemental activities during the year. Held in the St. Charles school building.


Religious Education 2024-2025 Calendar

We welcome all new families to our St. Charles Religious Education program. Please see the New Family Registration link to start your registration. After you enter your information, I will then send you a “Welcome Letter” from Parish Giving to complete the registration online. Must have copy of the child’s baptismal certificate and any additional sacramental certificates. Contact: Michelle M. Dore’, RE Director

Call:   (856) 829-9119
Address:   St. Charles Borromeo Religious Education and Formation
2500 Branch Pike
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

Religious Education Hours

Summer Hours– Monday – Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

School Time

Monday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Tuesday 8:00 am – 5:15 pm

Wednesday 8:00 am – 8:15 pm

Thursday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm

Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Registration Forms for Religious Education:

New Family Registration!

Medical Authorization Form

Student Self Medication Form

Medication Administered by RE Nurse

$150 per child.

$200 for a family.

A $25 late fee will be assessed as of August 1st.

Initial Requirements

  • Families must be currently registered parishioners of St. Charles Borromeo.  New families must be registered as St. Charles parishioners by December 31st of the year prior to our summer session to be eligible to enroll in the summer program.
  • The families of children baptized at parishes other than St. Charles Borromeo must provide a baptismal certificate at the time of registration for each child.
  • Families transferring into our program from another Religious Education program must provide a letter of transfer from the parish they are leaving at the time of registration for each child.
  • Children who have missed any time in Religious Education may  be asked to complete the years missed regardless of current school grade or to complete a written assessment so they may be properly placed in the program based on their current understanding of the Catholic faith.

o   Students in grade third and up who have not received First Penance and First Communion must attend a Sacramental prep class for one year.

Registration fees for volunteer Catechists are waived.

Please contact Ms. Michelle Dore’ if you are interested in being a Catechist.


Sacramental Fees:

Communion: $30

Confirmation: $50

Parent Handbook


Sacramental Prep

Reconciliation / First

Students must be Baptized before entering 2nd grade. Students in the 2nd grade will prepare for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. There is a two year preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion (1st and 2nd grades). Students will spend half their time in class going over lessons than will go into church to practice what they have learned before receiving the Sacraments. Attendance is highly encouraged during Reconciliation and Eucharist preparation.

A parent meeting is held in the beginning of October to go over the specifics of the sacramental preparations for the year. Reconciliation typically takes place in February and First Eucharist typically in the beginning of May.

Act of Contrition

Parents Notepaper 

Photographs of First Communion 

First Communion Dress Suggestion

2024-2025 First Holy Communion Dates

2025 Communion Application

Volunteers for Communion


Students must be Baptized and received First Holy Communion before receiving Confirmation. There is a two year preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation (7th & 8th grades). Towards the end of 7th grade, students begin preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation by attending a Confirmation meeting with their parents. Students are encouraged to pick a Saint’s for their Confirmation name, as well as a practicing Catholic who will be their sponsor. Throughout their 8th Grade year, they will participate in three service projects, a retreat, and an interview night all in preparation for the Sacrament. Attendance is highly encouraged during Confirmation preparation. Confirmation typically occurs around the beginning of March.


Loyola Press

Catholic Online

Important Confirmation Links:

Confirmation 2024-2025 Due Dates

Confirmation Preparation Packet

Confirmation Application

Letter of Request to Father Dan

Sponsor Information

Service Activity Form

Choosing Your Sponsor

Conducting An Interview

Choosing A Confirmation Name

Personal Reflection

Sponsor Reflection

Catechist’s Handbook