Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

One of the hallmarks of the Advent season is that of making preparation. In the more immediate sense of that, it’s an opportunity to prepare our hearts and minds for the great celebration that comes on December 25 th , namely that of Christmas and the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. But it’s also a time of preparation for going to meet our Savior, whether in the fullness of time or when our time on Earth draws to a close. In any event, being spiritually prepared is certainly a major focus of the season.

As such, I want to encourage us all to consider the importance of approaching the Sacrament of mercy known as Penance. Unfortunately, there still persist many misconceptions about this particular Sacrament; perhaps drilled into us when were children. Some people think that going to confession is and always will be a scary experience. Others think that it’s largely unnecessary since they don’t have any serious sin to confess. There’s a more subtle misconception in there too; that the Sacrament is more for God than it is for us. But the reality is, the Church provides the Sacrament of Penance for the benefit of the faithful, to be a source of forgiveness, of mercy, of healing, and of strength.

I hope that everyone might come to realize the great power of Reconciliation. How freeing it is to know that your sins are forgiven in the moment of absolution. How it provides the grace to help us moving forward, especially with those temptations and habits that we seem to struggle against. How easy it is for God to forgive and how he wishes to bring sinners back to Him. How it helps us prepare for the bigger moments and celebrations in our lives.

And so, let me make us aware of various opportunities to approach this beautiful Sacrament in the coming weeks before Christmas. On Tuesday, December 10th at 7PM, we will be having our Advent Penance Service with confessions to follow here at St. Charles. As always, the regular confession time is every Saturday from 3:30-4:30. And if those days and times don’t work for you, then there some other options in other parishes. On Saturday, December 14 th , OLPH will have confessions available from 11AM-4PM. And Resurrection will be having confessions on Tuesday, December 17 th at the Holy Name site starting at 7PM.

The mercy of God is meant to be generously shared. I know for my part, I rejoice when a good confession is made; whether it’s been a week since a person went or over 40 years. Whenever we might feel like turning back to God and receiving his forgiveness and love, it’s a joyous moment. I hope that you might have a grace-filled Advent season and consider joining us at some point for the Sacrament of Penance in this holy season.

Peace and Goodness,
Fr. Dan