Holy Name Society

St. Charles Borromeo Parish Cinnaminson NJ

Holy Name Announcements


  • St. Charles Holy Name Society is now open to all Parish Members!
  • New “Novice” Membership category for Catholic children 7 years and older  Coming Soon
  • Membership Information Details in Published By-Laws Below

Upcoming News & Events

HNS News


  • Holy Name Society Board Meeting Sunday September 12, 2021
  • Next General Meeting Sunday September 19, 2021 7:30 PM in McCusker Hall
  • Annual Retreat at San Alfonso Retreat House September 24, 25 & 26
  • Loaves & Fishes Dinner @ St. Mary’s Cathedral September 18th. Volunteers Needed Thursday 9/16 5-7 PM for Food Prep (SCB Barn) and 9/17 3-6 PM for Delivery and Setup
  • HNS Bowling is Back! Starting September 16, 2021 on Thursday Nights @ Pinsetter Bar and Bowl Merchantville NJ.
  • Holy Name Fall Social (Date TBD)
  • Bus Trips to Shrines (Dates TBD)

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

About Us

Holy Name Society of St. Charles Borromeo Parish Cinnaminson, NJ

The Society of the Holy Name, formally known as the Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of God and Jesus, is a Roman Catholic confraternity of the laity and is one of several which are under the care of the Dominican Order. It is open to all Catholic adults. The primary object of the society is to beget reverence for the Holy Name of God and Jesus Christ.

Get Involved


The General Purposes of this society shall be:


  1. To promote reverence for the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and to praise and venerate the Most Holy Name of God.
  2. To promote the spiritual welfare of the members of the Parish by encouraging and assisting them to observe the practices of the confraternity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, namely, the frequent      reception of the sacraments, the honoring of the Most Holy Name by an active religious life and by working against all the things which offend the Most Holy Name.
  3. To foster the observance of the promises contained in the Holy Name Pledge.
  4. To assist members to participate more intimately in the life of the Church. 

Contact Us

2 + 13 =

Find out more ways to help!

There are so many ways to support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways to get our message to your friends and family.

Holy Name Society of SCB

2500 Branch Pike, Cinnaminson, New Jersey 08077, United States



Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm

Saturday – Sunday: Closed